APA Approved





Know who you can trust

There are more businesses and products than ever and it is hard to know as a pet owner who to trust.  With APA Approved, you know the business or product you use is committed to a higher standard and you can use them with confidence.





Let your customers know!

You are in business to sell your product or service, and you are committed to the best, but how do you let pet owners know this? There are many factors that are important to your success; A good price, a great product or service and an effective marketing plan. Being APA Approved enhances all aspects of your business and produces measurable results.





25 years; The best reputation in the pet industry

The APA has a spotless reputation. This is because we try very hard to do what is right, every time. We pass up on huge advertising dollars because we can't afford to be influenced, we do not approve businesses or products that are questionable, we establish policies that are fair and in the best interest of our companion animals.  The APA is fair, committed and honest, because you count on us to be and we owe it to our companion friends.




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